Is home birth safe?

Research continues to show that planned home birth for individuals with low-risk pregnancies is safe. Check out some of the research here. Midwifery care is preventive care--we are not waiting for a medical disaster to occur, instead we are collaborating with our clients on nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, and other parts of their care that contribute to preventing prenatal complications, reducing the need for medical interventions, and allowing for a safe out-of-hospital birthing experience.

What’s the deal with water birth?

The birthing pool has come to be known as the “midwife’s epidural.” Many folx choose to labor in a birth pool and choose to get out to birth their baby, while others labor and birth in the pool, and others choose not to at all. Also, some people plan to have a water birth but circumstances change and they end up birthing their baby on land (like the bed or couch.) Clients can rent a birth pool from the community (many doulas rent out birth pools) and clients are responsible for purchasing their own brand new pool liner and hose to ensure safe hygienic practices.

Do you take insurance?

We are not in-network with any insurance companies. However, we do work with Quilted Health, a third party biller, that works with clients on verification of benefits and billing. Insurance cannot be billed until AFTER the birth of the baby, so clients pay the full fee (for homebirth) by 36 weeks, and are then reimbursed anything their insurance pays for.

What are your fees?

Our fees are listed under our services. Contact us to learn more about payment schedule options, and sliding scale fee options.

Who will attend my birth?

Sam and a student midwife will attend your birth. Some people decide to hire a doula to attend their births as well. You are in charge of your birthing space and who is welcome in it. We encourage every family to think through who they want at their birth as some family members can add unwanted stress due to their own fears and anxiety about birth. Additionally, children may be present but we require a childcare plan for families with other children so that the birthing parent and partner can be focused on the birth and not have to worry about tending to other children during that time.

Do I need a doula?

We strongly encourage first time parents to hire a doula, as well as anyone having a primary VBAC (a first vaginal birth after cesarean.) Doulas improve outcomes because of the stellar emotional support they provide, and we want to set up our families for a successful homebirth.

What about the baby’s birth certificate?

For babies born at home, the midwife files the birth certificate whether you are located in D.C., Maryland, or Virginia. Once the birth certificate is processed, parents receive the birth certificate copy and the social security card. For babies born in hospital, due to transfer, the hospital staff file the birth certificate.